Tuesday 7 October 2014

Africa’s Truly Indigenous Cultures

Ndebele people are well known for their artistic talent especially with regards to their painted houses and colourful beadwork.
Ndebele art has always been an important identifying element of the Ndebele culture, apart from its aesthetic appeal it has a cultural significance that serve to reinforce the distinctive Ndebele identity, therefore visiting the resort will also allow you to learn more about one of the significant African cultures particularity the Ndebele culture. The Resort pays much respect & value on African indigenous cultures as well as their legacy. Visit the resort during cultural events you will learn more about the Ndebele artwork- without deviation but direct from the crafters who sell their traditional handmade crafts. 

v  On the picture you can see a woman wearing her traditional Ndebele attire, in front of her lies her handmade colourful accessories and little dolls. However bead work is intricate and time consuming and requires a deft hand and good eyesight.

  •   Ndebele women take great pride in their traditional apparels, & their traditional attires are colourful and bright decorated with a lot beautiful bead work.

    Photo source
The Ndebele tribe is most noted for their colourful paintings & beaded handmade attires which is perhaps the most eye- catching pattern style. On the pictures are Ndebele women looking extravagant- wearing beaded leg ornament (kgholwani), beaded aprons (phephethu) and their colourful beaded blankets (ikombesi) dressed fully on their traditional clothing and their adornments during Heritage Day.

                                                         Photo source
  Ndebele men will normally wear an apron made from the skin of a genet or civet cat and beaded in geometric designs. Leather of fur headdresses and a small shoulder cloak too.  
*      Young girls wear small front aprons made of tassels and beads which increase in dimension as the girls matures. When they reach marriageable age the aprons are interchanged by stiff larger ones traditionally made of cardboard supported with canvas.

  •    Their artistic creativity ranges from handmade sculptured figurine, pottery, woven mat, beaded dolls.


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